Tell us about Working Against Gravity, the services it provides, and your role with WAG. 

Hi! I’m Brittany Werner, and I’m the Director of Coaching at Working Against Gravity (WAG). 

Working Against Gravity is a remote nutrition coaching company that provides nutrition coaching and meal planning services. Our team of coaches work with clients one-on-one to build custom nutrition programs tailored to each client’s unique needs. Together we engineer programs that make sense for our clients and produce lasting change. 

How long have you been a nutrition coach? 

I’ve been with WAG since 2016. However, I became a registered dietitian (RDN) in 2006. Prior to joining WAG, I worked as a clinical dietitian in a weight loss surgery clinic and skilled nursing center.  

What motivated you to pursue a career in nutrition coaching?

I’ve had a love of fitness and nutrition from a young age, and took a nutrition class as an elective in college and the rest is history. 

What unique voice do you bring to the coaching field? Whether it be qualifications or philosophy?

I like to think that every coach brings their own flavor to their clients, but this is something I try to emphasize as a coach:  If you are unwilling to learn, no one can help you. If you’re willing to learn, no one can stop you! Check your ego at the door, and listen to your coach. Hear them out and follow their lead. If you open your heart and mind to that idea and their knowledge, you and your coach will become an unstoppable force. 

How long has Working Against Gravity used the Seismic Business Platform?

WAG has been using the Seismic Business Platform since the early days of V1 Seismic in 2016.

How has the Seismic Business Platform increased the value of the services Working Against Gravity provides?

Prior to using the Seismic Platform, we were coaching our clients using email and spreadsheets. Now our coaching is much more professional, streamlined, and overall higher quality. All client correspondence is in one place, and our staff knows exactly what to expect in terms of workflow each day. 

Of all the many features available with Seismic, what are your favorites?

There are so many fantastic features. However, in my position as Director of Coaching, I utilize the delegation feature frequently! This feature allows me to “delegate” as another coach. This is helpful in several scenarios. If we have a staff member on PTO, or someone out sick, and we need someone to cover, we can set up a delegation. Or, if a coach needs help or advice with a particular client, I can go in as a delegate and take a look at that client and offer some assistance. 

I also utilize the reporting and survey features weekly. These give our company valuable feedback on the health of our business and the quality of our coaching. 

How have these features elevated Working Against Gravity as a business?

Coaching via Seismic has elevated us to a more professional nutrition coaching company. We are able to conduct our business with software that will populate stats and feedback for our clients that we didn’t have access to before. Clients thrive on this data, and as coaches, we can utilize this as teaching points along the way. 

What words of wisdom about growing a successful business do you have to offer our readers?

Find your market, and always stay true to who you are. All start-ups will have bumps in the road. We certainly had ours and there was even a time when as a company we started straying from our core values. I’m happy to say, though, we’re back where we belong!